It’s kinda been the worst, right?
There’s been Prince and David Bowie, Agent Carter, the Poussey Riot in Orange is the New Black, Harambe, a country divided by a toxic referendum vote and numerous acts of unspeakable violence across the globe. Let’s not forget England’s inert performances in the European Championship, the return of backwards baseball caps and, if you forgive me the portmanteau, the emergence of HiddleSwift.
Some mornings getting out of bed is hard – I’m worried if I log onto Twitter at any point, something horrible will have happened. Will I have to read another report of alt-right creeps racially abusing women for the crime of appearing in highly enjoyable family films? Will Boris Johnson have been allowed to open his mouth in public again?
Thankfully, then, doom and gloom isn’t to be found everywhere. There are, if we look hard enough, rays of dappled positivity shining upon us - Jenny Lewis’ surprise new album, the wonderful BBC documentary about Koko, the ongoing excellence of Marvels’ Agents of SHIELD, the new taste of the rebranded Coke Zero to name but a few.

To this list of excellent things, I would further add the 2016 stock found in the Infinities Designer Menswear chain (I particularly recommend, dear reader, that if you’re ever in my neck of the words to have a browse around their very handsome Bradford store).
For gents like myself, and many of the fine readers of this site, the simple joy that comes from the aesthetic appreciation of fine clothing is a valuable one. Thankfully, then, I’m rather lucky to live so close to a store which is absolutely full of some of my favourite brands – from Android Homme to New Balance, Pretty Green to Polo Ralph Lauren and, perhaps best of all, Paul Smith. Whilst I’ve always been a fan of the brand, the current range found in their PS By Paul Smith collection may perhaps be my favourite as of yet.
To illustrate this post, I’ve included (as I’m sure you can see) photographs of myself sporting a Burn Logo t-shirt kindly provided to me by Inifinties from the aforementioned collection and one which I think acts as a rather nice metonym for the entire PS By Paul Smith range. It’s a sleek, smart and bold T-shirt which bursts with colour too and is highly representative of the bold style synonymous with Paul Smith.
It should be noted also, however, that whilst the sartorial selection I’m modelling here boasts a rather vivid and large graphic print embellishment, encompassing almost the entirety of the front of the piece, the range also features a number of more subtle designs for those with more restrained tastes. Regardless of one's personal preference on this issue, it is indisputable that the Paul Smith signature is, as always, a stamp of quality.
Those then, like myself, who are fans of Paul Smith will also be enthused to know that, whilst there is a wide array of T-shirts and informal items like the one I’ve very professionally adorned for the post, Infinities also stock the more formal end of the PS collection – pleasingly, too, these each add something of a contemporary twist to what, in other hands, could be more staid or sober wardrobe items. Take, for example, this spray print shirt – currently reduced by 62% to just £50, it’s a must-have for anyone looking to add unorthodox sheen to their day-to-day wear.
As you may be able to tell from my gushing superlatives above, Infinites is kind of my bag. If it’s not yours too, then I ask you simply – why not? 2016 might be quite terrible but you should do yourself a favour and make it a bit brighter for yourself!
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